May 6, 2021
Minneapolis has become America.
The murder of George Floyd. The killing of Daunte Wright. A country of 330M turns its collective eye to Minneapolis.
This city has become the tinderbox of long hot summer streets exploding into a final reckoning with the dark winter nights of American racism.
You're about to go on a journey through the injustice which has plagued Minneapolis for far too long.
Pastor Galloway of Liberty Community Church takes you to the frontlines of the desperate struggle the black community faces each day in North Minneapolis.
This is American Refugee.
Reverend Doctor Alika Galloway, co-pastor, Liberty Community Church
Reverend Doctor Ralph Galloway, co-pastor, Liberty Community Church
Reverend Cyreta Oduniyi, program director, Northside Healing Space
Written, Engineered & Produced: Sam Graber
Music: Sam Reeves
Photography: Mike Madison - @bumpopera,
Recorded: Minneapolis, MN
Original Release: May 2021